School Management System Project In Vb 6.0


Project: My Hospital Management System - Visual Basic 6.0, MySQL. Technology: Front End: VB6, Back End: MySQL. Project Description: Hospital Management system maintenance the in and out patient details, admission details, discharge details, charge details, billing and also maintenance the staff details,doctors details, ward details. Project Modules: Department Master, Doctor Master, Designation. How to create Student Management System Project in VB.NET. Project 2020 Suitable for BCA/MCA/Bsc-IT/Msc-IT and also BTECH Students.#StudentManagementS.

  1. School Management System: This School Management System build using VB.Net in Visual Studio 2012. This system contains Student management, Staff management, Exam management, User management, Class management, Subject management, Fees management, Accounts and Payment.
  2. Smart School is Modern and Complete School Automation Software that suites to almost every school or educational institution from student admission to student leaving, from fees collection to exam results. It includes 30+ modules with 8 inbuilt users (Super Admin, Admin, Accountant, Teacher, Receptionist, Librarian, Parent and Student) panel.

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Student management system is an environment where all the process of the student in the institution is managed. It is done through the automated computerized method. Conventionally this system is done using papers, file and binders.

This system saves the time of the student and of the administrator. It includes process like registration of the student’s details, assigning the department based on their course and maintenance of the record.

This system reduces the cost and workforce required for this job. As the system is online the information is globally present to everyone. This makes the system easy to handle and feasible for finding the omission with updating at the same time.

As for the existing system, they use to maintain their record manually which makes it vulnerable to security. If filed a query to search or update in a manual system, it will take a lot of time to process the query and make a report which is a tedious job.

As the system used in the institute is outdated as it requires paper, files and the binders, which will require the human workforce to maintain them. To get registered in the institute, a student in this system one should come to the university.

Get the forms from the counter while standing in the queue which consumes a lot of the student’s time as well as of management team. As the number of the student increases in the institute manually managing the strength becomes a hectic job for the administrator.

This computerized system store all the data in the database which makes it easy to fetch and update whenever needed.

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Student Information System Project In Vb 6.0


The system has a different segment to process a specific task which is the modules. This will help the system to developed easily and makes it more user-friendly.

The modules of the project are: –

Login Module: –

This will help users to login into the system using institute id and password. A user who has the valid id and password can only login to their respective accounts.

It will help the authentication of the user who enters the system. The module provides a layer of security over the system as only authorized personnel can login into the system.

This prevents from any anonymous person to enter the system and mishandle the records. It is better than the manual method as they do not have any security measure of who can access the system and who cannot.

Registration Module: –

This module the student will get registered as it is new in the educational institute. It will be formed like structure where all the student details will be filled.

It will have the fields regarding their personal information like date of birth and address along with that it will also ask its professional details of previous education if it has.

As this module is present online, the student can register them from anywhere in the internet is present. As after registration information will go to the admin for authentication.

This module will reduce the hectic task of taking multiple forms from the institute and filling them carefully as any mistake will lead to getting new sets of the forms.

Course Module: –

Each student will be able to select various courses present in the system. It will be published by the administrator under the specific department.

Every course has the qualification criteria, it will be available to those students who are eligible for it. The student will pick the course from the given choices according to his/her interest.

It will be added in their professional information details. All the courses will be handled by the department assigned to them by the administrator.

Search Module:-

School Management System Project In Vb 6.0

In the institution there will be thousands of students and suppose from this there is need to find the detail of specific student. The only information provided to search is the name of the student.

In the manual system, it will be catastrophic to find the student as it is a very tedious job to do so. But with the computerized system admin can easily find the specifying student with just typing the name and click the search button.

This module will help the admin in searching the student record for alteration and maintenance.

Assignment Module: –

As every course has the assignment which will be given to the student to complete. Based on these assignments every student will be awarded the marks.The assignment can of the various types which will be provided to the student.

The student will be able to access the assignment given by the department who handles the course. The user will also be able to check its marks he/she got in each exam.

Department can also able to differentiate the assignment into various categories like quiz, essay or report writing. This helps in making the studies more vibrant for the students.

Attendance Module: –

This module is one of the essential parts of the system as this will act as the official document of student presence in the institution. It will show the attendance of the student in every course.


Once the planning and analysis of the project are completed, the design phase begins. The goal of system design is to transform the information collected about the project into the blueprint structure which will serve as a base while constructing the system.

It is considered to be an unwieldy process as most of the errors are introduced in this phase. However, if an error gets unnoticed in the later process it may become difficult to track them down.

In our system, we are developing a system which helps in student management by the institution. It will minimize the problems faced by both students and the institutes for the duration. Let’s discuss the system in detail:


Description Above figure shows the E-R diagram of the proposed system.The ER model defines the conceptual view of a database. It works around real-world entities and the associations among them.

At view level, the ER model is considered a good option for designing databases. So, let’s see each entity in Details-:


The information of the admin of the institute is stored in this entity. It is stored data of login and the password. This provides the security to the system and keeps the record of which user entered in the system at what instance of time.

This entity will have the access to all the entity as it will add the student to the system.

This will enter the course in the department and manage them. It has following attributes:


It stores the name of the admin which act as the unique name given to the manager of the firm. Through this login into the system and the work they made will be recorded against his name.

It will help their seniors to see what students have the manager bring in the institute and how much of task he has completed.


This attribute holds the secured keyword given to every manager of the educational institutions who need the access to the system. This should not be shared with any other member.

As it would make any staff employee enter the system and see the information regarding student which can make them unbiased.


The login time of the admin will be recorded in this field which helps in tracking the admin performance.


It stores the logout time of the admin from the system.


The essential entity of the system which holds the information regarding students. This has all the attributes required to register a student in the educational institute.

As the student inputs its information i.e. personal or professional it will be stored in this entity. It has the relationship with the courses of degree one too many.

As students will enrol for various courses as per their eligibility so the relation is required between both entities It has following attributes: –


Student’s Identity number attribute is a distinct numeric field which will be given to every student registered in the institute. It helps in making every student unique throughout the system and helps the administrator.


Student name is the personal information of the student. It helps in making system friendlier for the user and aid the admin in search or update the record.


Every student is divided in the different segment belongs to the same course. This helps in making the study more efficient for every student.

School management system project in vb 6.0 class


This will store the email id of the student required for sending the urgent update to a student from the institute.


As many courses can be opted by a student. So, the multivalued attribute required to store all the reference id of the courses for which student has enrolled.

Courses Id is, therefore, belonging to course entity.


The mobile number of the student is an attribute is used as a point of contact to the student.


This field is a composite attribute of the city and the pin code. As the address required the full location of the student.


To manage all the courses present in the institute there is need of the upper house to manage them. It is the body which allows the assignment for the courses comes from them.

This entity will also handle the attendance of the student in the specific course. As per the requirement entity will have the relationship with attendance and courses entity.

Department had to manage the attendance as it is the responsibility of the division to keep a record of the information of the students who belong to their courses are coming to attend classes or not.

This makes them informed about the course situation and constructs the roadmap for the future of each course. Every department also requires allotting the assignment to each student who has opted for the course.

The allotment should be such that every type of assignment could be given to each student and no one is left.Admin will manage this entity as it comes indirectly under the institute.

It has following attributes: –


Department Id is a distinct numeric field. This attribute stores the unique number given to each department present in the institute. It also helps the admin in further reference department in other entity rather than giving full information.


Department name is string field which holds the name of the department.


There is a requirement in the system to store all the information about the courses given by institute. Each course has its properties like which departments it belongs to or it belongs to which type.

When students enrol for a course it must check the qualification required for him/her to apply. As every course has some eligibility criteria which one has to follow to enrol it. It has the following attributes-:


Course identity attribute is the distinct number given to each course given by the institute. This attribute further aid in giving reference of the course in student’s profile.

It also eases the entity assignment as they cannot get all the information every time a new assignment is added for the course.


Name of the course is stored in the course name attribute.


Course type id attribute store the unique identification number reference to each type of the course. As the there is various type of course like a minor, major or optional. A course should be categories to avoid any type of confusion.

School Management System Project In Vb 6.0


department identity number attribute is a reference to the department to which a specific course belongs to. It is important to make a relation with the department so the threads can be pulled when needed.


Every course has the qualification attribute for which type of qualification a specific course is needed like for high school national history course would be used but for intermediate contemporary world history is required.

Course Type:

This entity is a part of the course entity. Courses can be of various types based on the credit and value in the world of education. They can easily categories on the Institute norms like major, minor, optional and core.

As the student enrols for the course it must be known to them that what kind, of course, is it. This makes the system more transparent for both admin and the students.

This categorization further hassles out the confusion for the student for calculating their grades based on the credits. It has relation with course entity as latter owns this entity with the degree of one to many.

The entity has following attributes:


Course type id attribute store the unique identification number reference to each type of the course. It acts as the primary key for the entity as it is distinct for each category


Course type name is a string name given to each category to identify for the student as it becomes difficult for the user to differentiate course type on bases on the number.

It helps the student is a various process of registration like selecting the course, they first have select for which category they are searching for. Thus, make the system more fast and reliable in the course search.


Exams or Assignment is required in the system to keep track of the student’s performances. This helps the institute to construct the roadmap for the future of its pupils.

This entity is in direct relation to the department. They will manage the assignment given to a student based on the courses latter have opted for. It has the following attribute:


Every assignment will have a unique number which will be stored in this attribute. It is required to maintain a record which is unique and distinct. It helps in removing the redundancy in the record which can create error and bugs in the system.


Assignment name is given to each assignment to make it understandable to the user and make the system more reliable to use.


Is will store the student identification number as reference to students to whom this assignment is allotted.


It holds the information about what category this assignment belongs to which is further discussed in its own entity description.


This attribute holds the reference id of the course to which an assignment belongs to. It creates the relationship between the course and this entity.


It will hold the marks or the evaluation criteria for the assignment. This attribute helps in evaluating the student and give them remarks about their performance.

Assignment Type:

This entity keeps the record of types of assignment present in the institute. As assignment can a written exam, project or group activity.

Thus, the different entity is required to hold the categorize only as this will remove the repetition of information in the assignment entity.It has following attributes:


A unique and distinct numeric value given to each type of assignment. It uses to identify and differentiate each type from another and act as the primary key to the entity.


Assignment Name is given to each type as it aids the user to identify the category without mixing them with the assignment given to the student.


One of the essential part of the institute to keep track of the student whether they are attending the classes or not. In the system, this entity will help them to achieve that goal.

It will store the record of each student’ presence or absence based on the courses they opt for. It has following attributes:


It holds the id of the student to whom this attendance belongs.


The course id will be referencing the course whose attendance is recorded


It is a multivalued attribute which shows a number of classes student was present and absent.

Total Classes:

It holds the total classes held for the course o Percentage: It shows the percentage of students’ presence in class based on total classes held.


The student management system for the institution ease the admin problems by providing a user-friendly interface for student and manager.

It does that by designing simple and easy to interact interface through which user will not have any problem for interacting and queries for the system.

To show the ease of interaction with system sees the use case diagram of the system:

In the figure, it is clearly shown how the user is directly interacting with the registration process. He/she can further go to a home page which gives them various tabs to navigate.

Each tab will provide special functionality to the user like for student attendance will show their percentage of absence and presence for every course they opted or for admin enrol course help them to add a new course in the institute.

In the figure, it is clearly shown how the user is directly interacting with the registration process. He/she can further go to a home page which gives them various tabs to navigate.

Each tab will provide special functionality to the user like for student attendance will show their percentage of absence and presence for every course they opted or for admin enrol course help them to add a new course in the institute.


Hardware Requirements of student management system

The hardware required for the development of the project is:

PROCESSOR: Intel P-IV system




Software Requirements of student management system

The software required for the development of the project is:

OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 2000 Professional

ENVIRONMENT: Visual Studio .NET 2002.NET

FRAMEWORK: Version 1.0

LANGUAGE: Visual Basic.


Functional Requirement of student management system

Creation of the new record for the new student.

Deletion of the record which already exist in the system based on the requirement of the institute.

Update in the record which is present in the system as per the need.

Generate the report on the attendance of the student as per his/her record.

Admin’s handle of the department, this function eases the process of management.

Non-Functional Requirement of student management system

Security of the system is maintained by providing login interface to the user. Only who has the login is and password can enter the system.

User-Friendly as the system is very interactive and can be easily operated.

Maintainability and reliability if the system is kept very thoroughly as all the records kept in the database have the backups and system can restore if there is power loss.


Student Management System can be used by educational institutions to maintain their student records easily. Achieving this objective is difficult using the manual system as the information is scattered, can be redundant and collecting relevant information may be very time-consuming.

All these problems are solved by this project. This system helps in maintaining the information of pupils of the organization. It can be easily accessed by the manager and kept safe for a long period of time without any changes.