Gamefonts Pc.iwi

To fix this bug do the following. Go to C: Users YOURUSERNAME AppData Local activision codwaw mods TMGStandoff. Open the 'tmgstandoff.iwd' with the program Winrar or something alike. Open the folder 'images' within the iwd and find the file called 'gamefontspc.iwi' and delete it. 2) Replace the 'gamefontspc.iwi' from localizedenglishiw00 or place localizedenglishiw2012.iwd in mods YOURMOVIEMOD Notice: DONT'T FORGET TO BACKUP ORIGINAL FILES!!! Call your file, gamefontspc.iwi and put it in the images folder. The font binary should be located at the your mod root/fonts, and should be declared with 'font,fonts/fontame' on the mod.csv (if the font not appearing in game, try to copy the font also to raw/fonts). Enjoy your new font IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. I´ll show u how to fix the game start error after u have downloaded the patch update from 06.21.11: 'Couldn´t load image gamefontsPC'. This is a possible Wa.


22/07/2014 21:49Gamefonts_pc.iwi
Standoff is a very unique map, It demands teamwork and is much more a challenge than just straight forward survival. It takes place in the Savannah Desert in an abandoned Military base on the outskirts of a small trade town. You begin the fight with one of your pick of 8 different preset loadouts, each complete with a primary, a secondary, a pistol which regenerates ammo every round, a primary grenade, a light source, and finally some sort of equipment. You must reach the hidden chambers by progressing past all the timed doors to find your way to victory.
The map is very dark and you cannot adjust the brightness in game. However every class does have some sort of light source like glowsticks or some even have a flashlight equipped. Stick by your teammates at all times and cover each other, because your back is constantly against the wall with no where to run.
Things To Note
  • Max Ammo drops refill you weapon clip, so no need to reload before grabbing it.
  • You can only change your class with the Class Changer but only once per life, so choose wisely.
  • Don't forget to use all of your resources - you start the map with 3 weapons and 3 different off hand equipment.
  • Call out when using a light - lights are very important so don't waste them by having 2 people using a light at once.
  • Solo mode plays differently than coop - doors cost less, zombies spawn slower, and your light sources do refill every round.
  • Be aware that zombies are strong from the get-go since you begin with good weapons.
  • This map is tough! It might take a few tries to figure out a good method, so try different loadouts and experiment.
The Preset Loadouts
Special Thanks
YaPh1l ------ Custom scripts like the ending
PorkRoyal - Ported weapon models
Tom-BMX - Various tutorials and his Lime tool
Conway ---------------------- Play tester
ZCT Chaos ------------------ Play tester
Resortified ------------------- Play tester
Justin aka SaggyBerries - Play tester
TMG Nukem ----------------- Play tester
Alex aka All0utWar --------- Play tester

Gamefonts_pc.iwi Call Of Duty World At War
If your playing a non-English version of the game
You might find your font looking odd or even unreadable if you're playing a language other than English. To fix this bug do the following.
  • Go to C:UsersYOUR_USER_NAMEAppDataLocalactivisioncodwawmodsTMG_Standoff
  • open the 'tmg_standoff.iwd' with the program Winrar or something alike.
  • open the folder 'images' within the iwd and find the file called 'gamefonts_pc.iwi' and delete it

22/07/2014 21:49


Standoff is a very unique map, It demands teamwork and is much more a challenge than just straight forward survival. It takes place in the Savannah Desert in an abandoned Military base on the outskirts of a small trade town. You begin the fight with one of your pick of 8 different preset loadouts, each complete with a primary, a secondary, a pistol which regenerates ammo every round, a primary grenade, a light source, and finally some sort of equipment. You must reach the hidden chambers by progressing past all the timed doors to find your way to victory.
The map is very dark and you cannot adjust the brightness in game. However every class does have some sort of light source like glowsticks or some even have a flashlight equipped. Stick by your teammates at all times and cover each other, because your back is constantly against the wall with no where to run.
Things To Note
  • Max Ammo drops refill you weapon clip, so no need to reload before grabbing it.
  • You can only change your class with the Class Changer but only once per life, so choose wisely.
  • Don't forget to use all of your resources - you start the map with 3 weapons and 3 different off hand equipment.
  • Call out when using a light - lights are very important so don't waste them by having 2 people using a light at once.
  • Solo mode plays differently than coop - doors cost less, zombies spawn slower, and your light sources do refill every round.
  • Be aware that zombies are strong from the get-go since you begin with good weapons.
  • This map is tough! It might take a few tries to figure out a good method, so try different loadouts and experiment.
The Preset Loadouts

Gamefonts_pc.iwi Download

Special Thanks
YaPh1l ------ Custom scripts like the ending

Images/gamefonts_pc.iwi' Is Missing

PorkRoyal - Ported weapon models
Tom-BMX - Various tutorials and his Lime tool
Conway ---------------------- Play testerGamefonts
ZCT Chaos ------------------ Play tester
images/gamefonts_pc.iwi Resortified ------------------- Play tester
Justin aka SaggyBerries - Play tester
TMG Nukem ----------------- Play tester
Alex aka All0utWar --------- Play tester
If your playing a non-English version of the game
You might find your font looking odd or even unreadable if you're playing a language other than English. To fix this bug do the following.
  • Go to C:UsersYOUR_USER_NAMEAppDataLocalactivisioncodwawmodsTMG_Standoff
  • open the 'tmg_standoff.iwd' with the program Winrar or something alike.
  • open the folder 'images' within the iwd and find the file called 'gamefonts_pc.iwi' and delete it

Gamefonts_pc.iwi Cod 5 Download